Women serve in leadership in every part of OSLC’s ministry (except the Men’s Ministry!). They are council members and officers, committee chairs and active participants, assisting ministers and worship specialists, musical leaders, social ministry movers and shakers, and Bible studiers. They offer their gifts in ways too numerous to measure.

OSLC women participate in wider Women of the ELCA programs and gatherings. They annually supply a senior citizen luncheon at Hanover’s Black Community Center. A member hosts a fall  overnight retreat each year at her home in Thetford, a wonderful chance to relax, learn, and grow together. Our weekly prayer group is made up of women who knit together the concerns of the community and Our Savior Lutheran Church-0809the world to offer before God. Our Pastoral Care Team that reaches out to homebound or troubled members is also presently all female. Women lead the significant ministry of Disaster Relief Quilting offered bi-weekly at OSLC for members and the community at large.

OSLC would not be able to function without the valuable contributions of women on every level—nor would we ever want to!