At meal tables around the world, strangers become friends, and friends become family. In Holy Communion, we are invited to the table of the Lord. No conditions, no coercion, just words of welcome and promise: This is my body, given for you.

During the Academic Year worship begins at 10:30 a.m. Worship is preceded by Children’s Ministry and Choir Rehearsal at 9:15. Hospitality Hour always follows worship – a time for Lutheran World Relief Farmers Market Coffee, light refreshments, and plenty of good conversation.

During the Summer (June 9, 2024, through Labor Day weekend), we gather for Worship with Holy Communion at 9:30 a.m. Hospitality Hour always follows worship – a time for Lutheran World Relief Farmers Market Coffee, light refreshments, and plenty of good conversation. 

We hope you will join us!

Worship Remotely

Worship will be live-streamed here or on OSLC’s YouTube Channel (it will start a few minutes before worship is scheduled to begin).

For all of our Remote Worship opportunities, bulletins for remote worship can be found here.

Music at OSLC

Music is an important part of the worship life of OSLC. On any given Sunday, the choir, organists, pianists, guitarists, Sunday School classes and members of the congregation offer their musical gifts.

During the academic year, the OSLC Choir sings for worship and rehearses at 9:15 every Sunday.  The choir is a small group of fun and friendly people who love to sing. Throughout the church year, the choir sings a variety of unison, mixed and SATB literature and is always excited to have new singers.  If you like to sing, regardless of ability, please come and give us a try!

Do you play an instrument? You are welcome to come and play as part of our worship.

For more information about music at OSLC, please contact us at (603) 643-3703.